Change The Narrative ®
Three Rs for a New Year
As January approaches, I seem to remark that the current year was a doozy! I’m noticing a trend. Is it just me? And you? So, how’s it going so far?
Coach Better Performance: For Real
At Libby Wagner & Associates, we spend a lot of time working with leaders to provide them with practical, immediately usable skills for coaching their teams to achieve high trust and high performance…
The Myths of Vision and Mission
Years ago, I set out on a comprehensive project with a client. She’d started her business in her basement alone and had grown a small, lean, multi-million-dollar company.
Be Nice, Or Leave
I was a teacher and college professor for years. Somewhere along the way, I got this little hand-painted sign with block letters and curli-cues around the edges. A satin ribbon hung from the back so I could hang it from a nail or pushpin on my cork bulletin board. It said, “Be Nice, Or Leave.”
Change is on the Horizon
Recently, I was fortunate enough to enjoy a trip to Kenya. Each morning began with a game drive at dawn, and we were off with our guides to see if we could find lions, leopards, or zebras.
Inside Job
“… leaders who want true, transformative success (for themselves and their teams) must move through their own developmental arc to cross that threshold of their own “crying week” to move to the next place of their own growth.”
What About That Open Door Policy?
Here’s the thing: an open-door policy is not enough. Even if, unlike this leader at that time, your people find your open-doorness sincere, many of them will never come to ask you.
No Culture Change! What if you like your team and it works for you??
Usually, when we have a team culture that’s working, we know this because certain indicators are strong: high performance, high trust, healthy financials, happy customers, and creative market strategies.
Short Staffed? Create More Multi-Generational Teams
Years ago, I waited tables to earn a living. I thought it was fun, fast-paced, and never boring. Plus, because so much of our income at that time came from making tips, I knew I could walk out with money in my pocket each night.
In Praise of Filters: Change the Narrative on Civility
In the 1989 movie classic When Harry Met Sally, Meg Ryan’s Sally gives Billy Crystal’s Harry a bit of advice: “You’re going to have to find a way not to express every feeling that you have every moment that you have them.”
Stop Talking about Work/Life Balance
Leaders in a post-pandemic VUCA workplace, characterized by heightened Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity, have concerns about not only attracting top talent, but retaining them.
Communication, AGAIN?
In all the years I’ve worked with organizations, leaders and teams, one thing is consistent: when asked for feedback about what needs to be improved, everyone always says: communication. I always share with my clients to just expect that.
Right-Sizing the Change Conversation: The 100% Question
Each time we navigate change in our work, we are likely to experience three stages of response to that change: emotional, reflection, commitment. Leaders need to effectively help their teams navigate change.
Change the Narrative: Leading Your Own Revolution
“We humans are natural storytellers, and our stories shape our lives, families, communities, and work. We use stories to pass along lessons, wisdom, entertainment, and warnings.
What to do about that Ultracrepidarian on your team
(Notes from a Word Nerd)
A person with opinions on subjects beyond their knowledge.
Why we need to Change the Narrative
We humans are natural story tellers, and our stories shape our lives, families, communities, and work. We use stories to pass along lessons, wisdom, entertainment, and warnings.
Making the Hybrid Workplace Work
Many organizations are still trying to sort out the impact of the pandemic years, specifically how we work together when we are not together. Companies that had multiple offices or locations for years may have had more time and experience leading complex groups, but in truth, it wasn’t always great.
Telling All the Truth Series Finale: The Good Work of Showing Up Ready
Sometimes, in courageous conversations about things that matter, the situation can get worse before it gets better. The messy, unpredictable nature of moving toward, instead of away from, the topics and situations we need to uncover and discover in our lives is risky.
Telling All the Truth Series 7 | The Myth of Sales as Numero Uno
Not too long ago, I got excited to write a new book with the working title of “Why Performance Management is Sexier Than Sales.” No one (maybe one other person) was excited about this topic except for me. Why?
Telling All the Truth Series 6 | The Myths of Vision and Mission
You’ve written, edited, and shared your company’s vision and mission with the team. Everyone’s clear on what it is, then, right?
If you don’t have it on repeat — maybe not. Here’s why…